Educational Therapy

Educational Therapy


Roots of Learning offers educational therapy services for those seeking remedial and therapeutic approach for learning differences and academic support.

All therapy sessions are conducted 1:1 with your child and a trained educator. Using researched-based instructional methods and a therapeutic approach designed for students with learning differences of all kinds, our therapy addresses the underlying cause of academic difficulties.


Parent of a 2nd grader

“My child was struggling to learn to read. Kelsey encouraged us to seek further testing to uncover and learn more about how our child learned and what may be causing the struggles our child was facing. She made us feel comfortable with the idea of getting her assessed and removed the stigma and fear often associated. Not only did we uncover our child has dyslexia, we learned all the amazing strengths and gifts she has. With expertise and research-based training, Kelsey taught our daughter how to read! She now loves reading.”