Educational Therapy


Our Roots are continuing to grow (in many ways)!

Introducing you to our newest team member

As many of you know I am expecting a baby this coming October and will begin maternity leave at the end of this month. At this time, I want to formally introduce you to Rebecca O’Brien. Rebecca is a trained educational therapist and joined our team back in January. She’s been a valued addition to our Roots of Learning family ever since. Not only a versed educator she is an eager learner always looking for new ways to approach, adapt, and individualize instruction for her students. We feel so lucky to have Rebecca on board this past year and appreciate her additional support as I take time to be with our new baby. Rebecca will continue to offer 1-1 therapeutic support and serve as a resource for our Roots of Learning families and students. To learn more about Rebecca check out her bio below!

Rebecca is an experienced classroom teacher, academic coach, and educational therapist who is originally from Arlington, Virginia. She taught in the private school setting for nearly 10 years teaching ESL, language arts (reading and writing), and social studies (culture, geography, politics). She has worked as an Academic Resource teacher at Francis Parker School where she worked primarily with students who needed extra academic support and executive functioning guidance. Rebecca is trained in the Wilson Language System and has used this multi-sensory structured literacy approach to help many struggling students drastically improve their reading and spelling skills. She is adept at using various educational assessments, and interpreting their data, to inform her practices and to address both the strengths and weaknesses of each individual's unique learning profile. Rebecca believes her role as an educational therapist is to assist each of her students in developing a greater self-awareness of their own learning process and to empower them using strategic goal-setting and reflective practices. She enjoys collaborating with teachers, parents, and allied professionals as they offer unique and valuable insights into understanding each child's personal journey. Rebecca believes every child has infinite potential for success. When provided the right individualized support that uses targeted learning techniques and clearly defined benchmarks to measure daily progress, along side a students hard work and dedication, Rebecca truly sees her students shine. Rebecca is an artist, painter, and enjoys running and playing soccer in her free time.

Kelsey Gogarty