Educational Therapy


How to NOT feel like your child’s assistant? Tip #2


Tip #2: Backwards planning and prioritizing with monthly calendar 

While modeling is a foundational way to build these skills for students, autonomy at varying age levels is achievable. Try out some of the following tips for monthly planning. This is also a great opportunity to support local and small businesses too! Check out the links below for freebies and some of our favorites on Etsy.

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For the family

For young kids (K-2nd)

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For elementary (3rd-5th)

  • Have a monthly calendar near their workspace.

  • While you fill out the family calendar, have your child fill in the personal commitments that are theirs for that month (i.e doc appointments, days off school, tutoring, practice, games etc.)

  • Use this as a place to begin to hold space for them to write bigger assignment due dates, tests, projects etc. “If that is due in two weeks, can you imagine your final project? What steps do you need to take to get to that final project? When do you think you could start your project?”

Middle (6th-8th)

  • A visual wall calendar for quick monthly reference 

  • A physical planner like the passion planner to color-code monthly activities, commitments, bigger assignments, due dates  

  • Practice transferring paper calendar and google calendar teaching how to set reminders, notes 

  • Use this as a place to begin to hold space for them to write bigger assignment due dates, tests, projects etc. “If that is due in two weeks, can you imagine your final project? What steps do you need to take to get to that final project? When do you think you could start your project?”

High School (9th-12th)

  • A visual wall calendar for quick monthly reference 

  • A physical planner like the passion planner to color-code monthly activities, commitments, bigger assignments, due dates  

  • Use of both paper calendar and google calendar  

Some favorites:

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Kelsey Gogarty