Educational Therapy


“Food is thy medicine"

Immune support is a hot topic when beginning any new school year. This year it has an even great importance as we are amidst a global pandemic. Rest, hydration, nutrient-dense food, and gentle exercise are key to keeping you and your family both physically and mentally healthy. 

Keeping in mind that “Food is thy medicine,” bone broth, green veggies, grass-fed meat, fresh berries, are all nutrient-dense and filled with immune-boosting vitamins. Below, you will find some recommendations of specific immune-boosting nutrients, supplements, and essential oils! Including your children in the kitchen can also be both a connective and educational tool. 

Powerful immune support nutrients: 

Zinc-helps immune system fight off bacteria and viruses 

Vitamin D-essential vitamin that helps modulate the immune system to rapidly respond to bacteria and viruses and cardiovascular function 

Vitamin C-supports the body's defense line, immune system, and vascular integrity  

Selenium-known to nurture the thyroid and also has a big impact going head to head with viruses protecting against free radicals, immune function, and cellular health

Elderberry-anti-inflammatory and decreases duration of colds and flues 

Probiotic-supports immune system from the gut 

Powerful Essential oils support:

Ylang Ylang-rub on your chest for lung support and diffuse 

Onguard or Thieves-rub on the bottom of your big toes in the morning and at night, also can rub on your chest (Onguard can be taken sublingually as well under the tongue) 

Olbas oil-rub on your chest, pillow,  diffuse in a hot shower to clear out nasal passage, diffuse at night 

Oregano-anti-viral and anti-bacterial *needs a carry oil do NOT put directly on skin* Can diffuse with other oils 

Lemon-mood boosting, supports healthy respiratory function, put drops in your drinking water, supports detoxification and can diffuse for a cleansing smell

Menedula(tea tree oil)-anti-viral and anti-bacterial, diffuse to purify air 

Check out our immune boosting kits for sale!